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by 이미행복 2020. 6. 15.


World Photography Organisation

Alongside my winning images I'll be posting some unseen pictures from Five Degrees. This image is of Rani, the wife of Rada – a farmer who committed suicide. Rada got into debt, but then so the bank manager went into his house and told him that because he could buy clothes for him and his family he could pay the debt. Early in the morning on February 10, 2017, Rada sat down in front of the bank and drank pesticide. He died a few hours later at the hospital. Federico Borella here, taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram this week. .
@federicoborella07 #saveourplanet #climateaction #worldcaptures #earthfocus #change #documentaryphotography #climatechangeisreal #climate #noplanetb #india ⁣#environment #sustainability #earthinstitute #environmentalscience #sustainablefutures #environmentalpolicy #globalwarming #earthtodolist #climatechange #photojournalism #reportage #worldphotoorg #SWPA
Hi everyone, Federico Borella here taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week with images from my series Five Degrees. Read my interview with WPO on their blog (link in bio) where I share my thoughts on the global issue I photographed last year. .
@federicoborella07 #saveourplanet #climateaction #worldcaptures #earthfocus #change #documentaryphotography #climatechangeisreal #climate #noplanetb #india ⁣#environment #sustainability #earthinstitute #environmentalscience #sustainablefutures #environmentalpolicy #globalwarming #earthtodolist #climatechange #photojournalism #reportage #worldphotoorg #SWPA
Italian photojournalist and 2019 Photographer of the Year takes over our Instagram feed this week with his winning series Five Degrees. The work explores whether the dramatic increase in Indian farmers committing suicide is connected to climate change. It's estimated that 59,300 farmer suicides in the last 30 years are attributable to climate change and according to experts, temperatures in India could increase by another 5°F by 2050. Borella photographed the farming community in Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state of India, which is facing the worst drought for 140 years. To discover more about the series head over to the World Photography Organisation blog, where Borella reveals more about his work and winning the prestigious prize. .
@federicoborella07 #saveourplanet #climateaction #worldcaptures #earthfocus #change #documentaryphotography #climatechangeisreal #climate #noplanetb #india ⁣#environment #sustainability #earthinstitute #environmentalscience #sustainablefutures #environmentalpolicy #globalwarming #earthtodolist #climatechange #photojournalism #reportage #worldphotoorg #SWPA
We are delighted to announce Federico Borella is our 2019 Photographer of the Year with his poignant series Five Degrees. Along with the coveted title Borella wins a range of Sony digital equipment. Five Degrees will be taking over our Instagram next week, starting from Sunday. .
@federicoborella07 #swpa
Hi everyone, Matt Maran here. I'm a British wildlife photographer and I've taken over the World Photography Organisation for the past week. For my last post here's a red-shanked douc langur at the Endangered Primate Rescue Centre in Vietnam. These colourful primates are listed as endangered on the IUCN red list. Fauna and Flora International has a primate programme in Vietnam which is working to protect the countries 25 species from the many threats they face including habitat destruction, disease, hunting and trapping. Thanks everyone for being engaged with pictures this week. Over and out 👋 🐒 👋 .
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
This bear was chosen for the front cover of my book Vancouver Island, Barkley to Clayoquot. It was an easy choice as the simple composition together with the position of the bear’s claws and direct eye contact made for a powerful image. Matt Maran here, taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week. .
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
A pit viper in Khao Yai National Park. Our eagle-eyed guide spotted this snake resting in branches at head height on a hike through the forest. His experience of the forest and its animals was necessary to prevent hapless tourists walking directly into the snakes path. The snake remained motionless giving me enough time to frame and expose for the subject and the background. A little fill flash highlighted the snake’s beautiful colouring and deadly stare. Matt Maran here taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week.
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
Shot in the Danum Valley on film back in 2005 this is a very special place in the heart of Malaysian Borneo. In many ways the picture doesn’t do the scene justice as sunrise is such a spectacular time for rainforest sounds. However, the rising mist and layers of trees gave the picture a pleasing depth. Matt Maran here, taking over the World Photography Instagram with some of my favourite wildlife images.
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
Hey everyone, Matt Maran taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week. I used a remote trigger to capture this common tern coming into land from a hunting trip. The tripod and clicking sound of the shutter had no impact on the bird’s behaviour as its repeated landing on the same post afforded me a few chances to capture this image. I was please with this effort which shows the tern’s wing almost touching the edge of my wide angle lens. .
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
This was a rare moment when a humpback whale was feeding close to the shoreline during my trip to Vancouver Island for my book. During my time photographing you would see the beautiful sea-bound creatures mostly off-shore so it was treat when this one was lunge feeding between our boat and the rocks. The sardines the whale was feeding on jumped for their lives which allowed me to anticipate and pre-focus where the whale would surface.
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
The New Forest is well photographed and the ponies make good subjects as they are fearless of photographers with large lenses. This exposure was challenging but I was determined to depict the white mare against the dark background and maintain some detail in her coat while capturing the beautiful setting sun. Matt Maran here, taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week. Check out my website to discover more about my approach to photography (matthewmaran.com)
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography #newforest
I set my camera to the widest possible aperture for this image. I wanted to focus solely on the fox's eyes in an attempt to portray some feeling and a connection to the animal I was photographing. Matt Maran here taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week. Read more about my approach to photography on the WPO blog.
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer wildlifephotography
This image is taken from my book Vancouver Island, Barkley to Clayoquot, this bald eagle stayed still as we slowly and silently approached. I have many images of the raptors flying in the wrong direction and missed focused attempts. This worked perfectly as the bird was low enough in the trees to provide some background context and the misty morning gave the picture that typical Pacific Northwest feel. Matt Maran here taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week. .
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
Hey everyone, Matt Maran here taking over the World Photographing Organisation Instagram feed for the week. I took this shot while shooting for my Hampstead Heath book. For that project it was my mission to go to some extremes to show what was like on this much-loved green space. I wore a wetsuit and got up to my neck in the Men’s swimming pond to show how people and wildlife can co-habit and share spaces peacefully.
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
British nature photographer Matt Maran specialises in photographing wildlife, both in the UK capital and further afield. He'll be taking over our Instagram feed this week. To kickstart his takeover he shares this picture of a young fox, who's gaining confidence, and steps out of the darkness to patrol its new territory. Laying on his front Matt used a flash with a low setting to illuminate the fox and allow the the ambient light from the nearby streets to add some atmosphere to the picture. Over to you Matt...
@mattmaranphoto #urban #wildlife #urbanwildlife #urbanwildlifephotographer
#naturephotography #london #city #photography #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography
Hey everyone, Nathaniel Wise here with my last post for my takeover of the World Photography Organisation Instagram. I moved out of my apartment and into my 4Runner in June, 2018 and since then, it’s been an increasingly wild and spectacular ride that I am grateful for, every minute of every day. Life on the open road is amazing. I encourage all of you to try it...Nathaniel Wise signing out 👋 🚗 👋 .
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Nathaniel Wise here. Instagram has been an invaluable tool for me. Initially, it kept me disciplined. I wanted to have a photo to post every day that I was proud of. I’m very critical of my work but having that goal really pushed me to get out there and practice as much as possible.
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Hey everyone, Nathaniel Wise here taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram. When I moved to Washington State three years ago, I had no camera, and no motivation to buy one. However, after I started hiking and exploring the vast, beautiful landscapes of my new home, I picked up an old Nikon in February of 2016. Since then, it’s been a learning process filled with countless beautiful moments, difficult ones and everything in between.
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Hi I'm Nathaniel Wise taking over the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed for the week. I grew up in Savannah, Georgia, and I’m currently living life on the road. Outside of photography, I like to hike, play guitar, cook, read, drink too much coffee and eat too many avocados. I moved out to Washington a little over three years ago and I often say it was the best decision of my life.
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Happy Thursday everyone. When you live on the road the opportunity for the perfect conditions for taking pictures comes frequently which is always a plus. Nathaniel Wise here, taking over the World Photography Organisation for the week. .
@nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Nathaniel Wise here. Read why I take pictures on the World Photography Organisation blog. .
@nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Nathaniel Wise here, sharing my landscape images this week on the World Photography Organisation Instagram feed. Thanks everyone for following. .
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Hi, I'm Nathaniel Wise taking over World Photography Organisation's feed for the week with my recent pictures of America's great wilderness. I find inspiration from so many talented people since picking up a camera. One of the first photographers I ever followed was @alexstrohl, from the natural scenes he captures to the perfect colors he brings about in his work, his work is truly incredible. Discover more about my photographic practice on the World Photography Organisation blog.
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
I love how minimal and simple life is on the road: wake up, watch the sunrise, make breakfast with a view. It’s amazing. I fill my nights with writing, playing guitar and reading. Here are just some of pictures I've taken while exploring America's natural landscape. Nathaniel Wise here, taking over the World Photography Organisation feed for the week with some of my recent landscape work. .
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Nathaniel Wise here, taking over the World Photography Organisation for the week. Right now I'm based on the road and the freedom is incredible. Everything I own is in my truck so being able to drive my house wherever I want – whenever I want – is a very liberating feeling. .
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Hi everyone, Nathaniel Wise taking over the World Photography Organisation's Instagram feed for the week. I'll be sharing my favourite images of some of America's awe-inspiring National Parks with you all. .
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
Landscape photographer Nathaniel Wise currently lives on the road out of his Toyota 4Runner SUV. He became interested in photography three years ago, after moving to Washington State. Inspired by the natural beauty around him, Nathaniel dedicated himself to capturing the extraordinary spirit of America’s great wilderness. Nathaniel's taking over our Instagram feed for the next week, showcasing his idyllic landscape pictures. Nathaniel also answers our quick-fire questions on our blog link to website in bio. Over to you Nathaniel...
© @nathanielwise #landscape #livetheadventure #inspiringlandscapes #americanwilderness #landscapephotography
This past week we've been sharing just some of the 61 shortlisted entries into this year's Professional competition. Focused on awarding outstanding bodies of work, the Professional competition asked artists to submit a series of five to ten photographs across ten categories: Architecture, Discovery, Creative, Landscape, Natural World & Wildlife, Portraiture, Still Life, Sport, Brief and Documentary – the latter two new for 2019. Sharing captivating stories about the world we live in, this year's shortlist celebrates our individual ways of seeing the world and the talent, dedication and creativity needed to frame it. All images can be seen (in either printed or digital form) at the Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition at Somerset House, London, April 18 to May 6. Buy tickets here: http://bit.ly/2TitVI4
© Boyuan Zhang, China Mainland, Professional competition, Discovery, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards #SWPA
Christina Stohn's unusual series Höllental und Himmelreich looks at centuries-old customs still cherished and practiced in the Black Forest. Her project is a welcomed reminder of the joys in a culturally vibrant and diverse world: http://bit.ly/2FwJQtW
© Christina Stohn, Germany, 2nd Place, Professional competition, Brief, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Two Headed Eagle is a collection of botanical and landscape photographs shot just before or after dusk and dawn. Most of these images were shot by Maela Ohana in February 2018, when she spent a month hiking in the Sierra Madre mountains of Oaxaca and along the Pacific Coast. See Ohana's full series here: http://bit.ly/2FwJQtW
© Maela Ohana, France, 3rd Place, Professional competition, Natural World & Wildlife, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
As logging, road construction, mining, palm oil and rubber plantation developments continue to increase, orang-utans are being forced out of their natural habitat. Alain Schroeder gives insight to the organisations rescuing, caring for and rehabilitating orang-utans into the wild. His compelling series was one of the shortlisted entries in our Professional competition. See all 61 shortlisted photographers here: http://bit.ly/2FwJQtW
© Alain Schroeder, Belgium, Shortlist, Professional competition, Natural World & Wildlife, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Thomas Nielsen follows the story of Brentford Football Club, a West London club who made it to the Premier League, on Match Day. Nielsen's series is a photographic tribute to football culture – and all that it entails – in the UK. See the full 2019 Professional shortlist on our website (link in bio)
© Thomas Nielsen, Denmark, Professional competition, Sport, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards #SWPA

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